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Know how to play the game

Okay, so we're trying to do things a bit differently here and we're taking some of our favorite components of gaming and mixing them into an online storefront. Here we'll explain a little bit about the power-up and leveling components to help you get the most out of your time here and save some money on some sweet games at the same time.

Leveling & XP

Anyone who's played a few games in the last 20 years has probably heard of the concept of leveling up or XP (experience points). It's a simple game mechanic where you do activities in the game and you're rewarded with your character getting more powerful. Often times, actions you perform give you XP (experience points) and when you reach a certain threshold of points, you "level up", and your character now gets to be stronger or have new special powers. The powers give you the ability to get past harder parts in the game. Pretty straight forward. Well we've taken this and applied it to online shopping. To be fair, we'd say it's similar to a loyalty program but on steroids.

Okay so what types of activites on Greenlight Arcade will give you XP?

  • Digging through Key Farms. You may only dig once per Key Farm.
  • Sharing collections and games on social media. You may only share 1 time every 24 hours.
  • Looting the treasure box Treasure House. If you've already shared a collection or game on social media in the last 24 hours you will not receive XP.
  • Purchasing items at the token Token Shop. There are no limits on xp gained from purchasing items.
  • Purchasing games. There are no limits on xp gained from purchasing items.

Each time you get XP, you'll see a notification on the bottom of your screen so you know when you're earning XP. You can always check your XP and how much you need until your next level by looking at the green bar on the account tab located at the top right of the page.

When you do finally reach that next level, you'll receive an overlay that tells you you've leveled up, and to pick your reward for spending time on the site. These rewards are called Power-ups and we'll be covering exactly what those are if you scroll down to the next section!

In some cases a user may gain so much XP that they skip a level. Any skipped levels will automatically grant you the bonus token amounts for all of the skipped levels so don't worry about leveling up too much.

Level XP to reach next level Total XP at this level XP% gain per free activity XP per dollar spent Tokens per dollar spent

Just like how in RPG games, the enemies and bosses get harder, gaining XP also gets harder the higher you level. This is our version of enemies getting stronger. XP at the start will be easy to come by, but as you level up, earning rewards will become more difficult, but the rewards will be greater. "Free" XP activities such as sharing games on social media will slowly grant less XP, but buying anything for real money on the site will increase XP the higher your level.

Some activities are only allowed X timers per 24 hour period. If you've shared a game or collection in the last 24 hours, then you won't be able to share again until 24 hours has passed since your last activity.

Notice: If you are using uBlock Origin or a similar ad block tool, it may hide the social media buttons on our page that are normally displayed right below a product price and above it's YouTube video. If you wish to see these share buttons, simply whitelist greenlightarcade.com.

Power-ups & Rewards

As you may of read in the F.A.Q., power-ups are temporary buffs or perks given to your account that will give it super powers. Each time you level up, you're given several power-ups to choose from, but you may only pick one to keep and the rest are lost. Choose wisely! Some examples of power-ups might be:

  • power-up10% off of all purchases made within the next 14 days.
  • power-up15% Discount off of all purchases for 5 days + 10 Tokens.
  • power-up100% Bonus XP for 14 days

As you can see, power-ups have an expiry time. You know what they say: Nothing great can last forever. Right? So it's best to take advantage of the power-ups while you have them.

Here's a table of all the Power-ups and rewards that are available and at what level they become available. Remember, you only get to pick one out of the 4 choices for each level and once you've picked, you can't change your mind!

Level % Bonus XP % Discount off of all purchases % Discount off + tokens Tokens
1 5% bonus xp for 14 days 5% off for 14 days 5% off for 5 days + 6 tokens 10
2 10% bonus xp for 14 days 5% off for 20 days 5% off for 5 days + 10 tokens 10
3 15% bonus xp for 14 days 6% off for 14 days 6% off for 5 days + 6 tokens 10
4 20% bonus xp for 14 days 6% off for 20 days 6% off for 5 days + 10 tokens 10
5 25% bonus xp for 14 days 7% off for 14 days 7% off for 5 days + 6 tokens 10
6 30% bonus xp for 14 days 7% off for 20 days 7% off for 5 days + 10 tokens 10
7 35% bonus xp for 14 days 8% off for 14 days 8% off for 5 days + 10 tokens 15
8 40% bonus xp for 14 days 8% off for 20 days 8% off for 5 days + 15 tokens 15
9 45% bonus xp for 14 days 9% off for 14 days 9% off for 5 days + 10 tokens 15
10 50% bonus xp for 14 days 9% off for 20 days 9% off for 5 days + 15 tokens 15
11 55% bonus xp for 14 days 10% off for 14 days 10% off for 5 days + 10 tokens 15
12 60% bonus xp for 14 days 10% off for 20 days 10% off for 5 days + 15 tokens 15
13 65% bonus xp for 14 days 11% off for 14 days 11% off for 5 days + 15 tokens 20
14 70% bonus xp for 14 days 11% off for 20 days 11% off for 5 days + 20 tokens 20
15 75% bonus xp for 14 days 12% off for 14 days 12% off for 5 days + 15 tokens 20
16 80% bonus xp for 14 days 12% off for 20 days 12% off for 5 days + 20 tokens 20
17 85% bonus xp for 14 days 13% off for 14 days 13% off for 5 days + 15 tokens 20
18 90% bonus xp for 14 days 13% off for 20 days 13% off for 5 days + 20 tokens 20
19 95% bonus xp for 14 days 14% off for 14 days 14% off for 5 days + 20 tokens 25
20 100% bonus xp for 14 days 15% off for 14 days 15% off for 5 days + 20 tokens 30
21 level 20 repeated

As with most MMORPG's, these numbers are subject to tweaking and adjustment. As the community plays we want to continue balancing until the values make the most sense.

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